History and Heritage
Our school has a rich heritage and history, dating back to its first year as a Baptist School in 1885. We are grateful for the many photographs (photos) that document some of the school’s journey in education, up to the present time.
This collection of scanned photos includes mostly ‘formal photos’ in which the children and adults photographed have chosen to stand into the photo. Respectful of data protection, this collection does not include photos which are ‘informal’, i.e., in which children and adults may not have chosen to be photographed and/or may not have known they were being photographed. Although not included in this online photo album, these informal photos are still preserved at Brannoxtown CNS as part of the school’s photo-archive.
Our sincere thanks are due to Siri Corrigan Palmer, a parent of our school, who volunteered many hours to sorting and scanning the school’s photos and carefully storing the original hard-copy photos.
We invite you to look over the photos and to send us more information about the year the photo was taken or the participants in the photo. We are hoping to source official photos from the years 1940-1979; this is currently a gap in the school’s photo album. If you have some information and/or photos to share with us, you can contact us by using the form on the next page or by emailing us